How To Choose The Best Size For A Portrait Painting Order

Choosing the prefect size for your custom portrait painting is crucial. If you want to order a portrait painting and are confused about the size, then this guide is going to be very helpful for you.

Whether you live in the United States or anywhere in the world, custom portrait painting has always been a memorable and timeless gift.

The past 18 years of experience in custom portrait painting has helped me greatly in developing an understanding of the intricacies of this art form.

So I can say that choosing the right size has always been a confusing topic for anyone planning a custom portrait commission.

how to choose best-size for portrait painting and wall art

At the stage of selecting the size, we keep some important circumstances in mind. After reading this short article thoroughly you will be able to make an informed decision about choosing the right size for a portrait commission.

At the end of this article, you will find information about the best quality portrait painting artists at the right price, as well as links to helpful articles related to other important information to keep you informed in your journey of getting your portrait painting done.

Please explore and take advantage.

 Choose The Best Size For A Portrait Painting Art                              

If you are making a portrait painting for gifting purposes, then it is possible that you may not get a chance to think about the location or size etc., because such custom portraits are also ordered by people to give surprise gifts.

If your purpose behind ordering the portrait is to gift it to him/her, you can order the portrait painting of 8 x 11 inches, 12 x 18 inches or any custom size.

In this regard, it would be appropriate to seek advice directly from a portrait artist. If you want, you can check this size and price chart of and can also take direct advice from the portrait artist.

Desired place and surrounding area

If you are ordering portrait painting for your home or office, then you must measure the desired placement location. You should do this work keeping in mind the height of the ceiling and the size of the room.

A large portrait looks awkward and heavy in a small room, while a small portrait looks lost in a large room.

You can do this work very easily and efficiently by drawing a sketch of the size on your wall with the help of a measuring tape, a pencil or chalk.

In fact, this is the best and most commonly used method for deciding on the size of a custom portrait.

Viewing distance

Before you commission a portrait, you should consider from what distance a viewer would normally view any picture hanging on the wall in your office, hall or drawing room at home.

If you are inspecting a drawing on a wall, then make this estimate at the same time.

A larger canvas may be necessary for a custom portrait to be viewed from a distance in a space such as a hallway or hall, while a smaller size canvas portrait is recommended in a more intimate setting.


Number of subject and details

This simply means that the more people or structures there are in your reference picture, the larger the portrait you should create.

It is important to give a respectable space to the details of every structure. Getting detailed work done on canvas in a small space is a very challenging task.

Therefore, the more people or subjects you want to paint, the larger the space will be.

Portrait artist can guide you well in this regard.

At the end of the article, you will get a list of articles related to portrait artists; you can develop your understanding by talking to any one artist about this.

Emotional statement

A portrait painting that enhances the beauty of your drawing room, office or hall is also making an emotional statement.

Oversized portraits make a bold statement and evoke strong emotional reactions in the viewer because of their complementary presence and large scale.

In contrast, smaller-sized portrait paintings often create a sense of intimacy and encourage the viewer to engage with the artwork on a more up-close and personal level.

Your budget is important

A budget is also an important factor to consider when deciding on the size of a portrait painting.

Generally, portraits of larger size and more subjects cost much more than portraits of smaller size and fewer subjects.

 A custom portrait artist requires more time and efforts when working on portrait canvases of larger sizes and larger subjects, so it is natural for the prices to increase.

However, compared to the United States of America or Europe, portrait commission artists in Asian countries like India and China work at much lower prices. If you hire artists from these countries, even large or medium sized portrait paintings can be done at a very reasonable price.

This article can help you in this regard.  – Price of Portrait Painting in Canvas and its variables 

Picture Credit : Picpainter

Communicate with the artist

As an artist, I have often felt that deciding on the size of a portrait painting has always been a dilemma for the customer.

Therefore, I believe that talking to an experienced custom portrait artist in this regard and clearing your doubts will prove to be the best decision. An experienced artist can give you better suggestions on the right size as well as the right medium, right price and other dimensions.

Picpainter is a custom portrait painting firm, you can talk to the artist directly and get help in taking an informed decision.


Hopefully the information given above in this article has helped you decide on the size for your custom portrait painting.

The art critique is committed to providing in-depth information on various issues related to this distinctive style of painting.

Links to some helpful articles are given below, do checkout.

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By Rohit Garkoti

Hi...I am Rohit Garkoti. I am a dedicated artist and art writer. My journey of more than 18 years in the field of fine art and art writing has been inspired by my natural attraction and curiosity towards artistic expression. This journey of mine has given me the understanding to explore, understand and articulate numerous styles of fine art, which has enriched both my personal and professional life. An enduring passion for the intersection of art and writing has brought me to this art blog “TheArtCritique”. For more information about my ethos and commitments, I invite you to explore my "Transparency Statement" in the “About Us” section. Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey of art and art writing.